zaterdag 17 januari 2015

Group Work

"What Would an Ideal 21st Century Classroom Look Like in Suriname?" 

To answer this question we had to assemble a final product as a collage using magazines, writing-papers, scissors and glue. The group was divided into smaller groups by using our birth-date and a little mathematics.

  • First 15 minutes:  Each group was given writing paper, magazines, scissors, and glue.  Quiet - no discussion or collaboration.  Each person cuts out pictures of what the 21st century classroom in Suriname would look (or feel like).
  • Second 15-20 minutes:  Discussion in your group. Designate someone to take notes on a computer with access to the internet. Discuss your individual pictures.  Please make certain that everyone is heard. 
  • Last 10 minutes:  Assemble a final product. 
    • Use the scissors and glue to make ONE collage from the group that answers the question
    • Someone has to take a picture from her/his camera phone, email it to the person who is taking notes 
    • Someone (or as a group) needs to write one paragraph to accompany the picture
    • The picture and the paragraph needed to be added to a Google Doc HERE (Links to an external site.).

RESULT of group 5:

A snapshot while we were discussing our individual pictures 

"Kijk, we kunnen er allemaal een stuk beter dan we eigenlijk zijn-
je hoeft alleen te weten hoe het werkt"       


Final product assembled by groupmembers: Stacy Shaw, Johan de Freitas, Romana Ajekie, Guillermo Monsanto, Remie Wiratma, Natalie Yard, Marlon Blijer en Rishie Jagroep                                                                                     

It's all about ICT. With this course we're preparing to takeoff for a better learning platform using ICT tool for the Education of Suriname. 

Before this is done we have to work hard together as a team to reach our success like how ants are doing. Ants are known as hard workers, team builders and they follow a certain map to reach their success. 

To reach the top of the mountain, we all has to anticipate, collaborate, informing, sharing, networking and participating together. 

Most of all, think out of the box. That will improves our thinking. That's why we marked as 9.99 and not a perfect 10, because ICT is dynamic and there is always space for improvement. 

“See, we can all look a lot better than we actually are-you just have to know how to work it”

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