Assignment 1: Persuading Teachers to use Technology (Revise, Reflect, Make a Persuasion Plan)

Group members:

Assignment 2:  The Benefits of  Using Technology in the Classroom

Worldwide, thousands apps are created daily with their specific goals. Among these there are a lot of which can be used in the education field, more as a supporting the teaching. This provide many benefits. Student are mostly familiar with smartphone, internet, tablet, pc/laptop, smart tv. Why not using this as advantage to make learning effective and interesting for student.

  • can collaborate online, provide feedback to each other
  • can organize the lesson in such interesting way, also flip the classroom. For instance, delivering teaching through gamification, taking students on virtual field trips and using other online learning resources. 
  • tracking students results, online/ real time assignment
  •  can re-plan a lesson easier way

  • are engaged with the learning
  • received the learning in a fun way and is enjoyable,
  • active participators
  • consume the learning in their own different needs
  • who are struggling or disabled has more opportunities 
So technology provides lots of different opportunities to make learning more fun and enjoyable. It can help to encourage active participation in the classroom which also is a very important factor for increased knowledge retention. Also provides technology great opportunities for making learning more effective for everyone with different needs and provides more opportunities for struggling or disables students

Access to the Internet gives students access to a broad range of resources to conduct research in different ways, which in turn can increase the engagement.

Assignment 3: Mentoring and Giving Feedback

Feedback request:
project : Module 8:Group assignment /ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION(Language-Geography)

Feedback on my classmate's E- portfolio

Hi Remie Wiratma, First of all thank you for sharing your materials with me and also to be open to receive some feedback. Your presentation is clear enough and reflects your effort. Specially the activities divided in 4 steps is clearly described. You can make your presentation crystal clear by mentioning the learning objectives in the second slide. These objective are the instruments to evaluate the goal of the learning activity.
I didn't get the link of the 10 web resources mentioned. Are these mentioned to enhance the effectiveness by using these tools? If yes, you might make it clear how these 10 web resources can improve the lesson. Please evaluate your presentation and improve it with the given feedback. Let me know if it help you to improve your document. Greetings, Rishie Jagroep

Recieved Feedback on my E-portfolio

Still waiting for the feedback.....

Assignment 4:  Your Professional Development in Education

My Personal Development Plan

A. What is my Current state?
  • motivated
  • kind
  • communication skills
  • management/organizing


  • Time management, wasting lot of time because not managing the time schedule
  • Helping other first, Because of my kindness of “never saying no, I can’t” people mostly rely on me for help. I try my best to please them with some help and shift my plan schedule a non-prior. This makes that people fill my agenda schedule. Result: not achieved the plan target
  • Easily distracted

B. Feedbacks, What are the common feedbacks (positive & negative) that I received from others?
Common feedback what I mostly get :
Positive: charitable, kind and hospitable, friendly, responsible
Negative: when anger overtakes, I’m irritable, quickly roused, easily annoyed and devoid of patience.

C. Performance Indicators, What other performance indicators can I notice?
Work: i'm full time teacher at the secondary and do also partime job in a call centre
School (education), Social works, Hobby’s

D. What is my desired state? What do I hope to improve/achieve?
My desired state is to achieve my goals. For now is the Diploma of this ICT course. This will be one of my biggest achievement of my life. The next stept after this is to join a MasterClass to develop my self in Mastering. After finishing this i would like to find my self either in the politic or in the field of Policy Making or Principal.

What i have to improve is to pick up my study of pedagogy again which i placed it on hold.

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