My Challenges and Opportunities

Kahoot and Socrative

Kahoot! is een vraag-en-antwoordspel op de computer, tablet of smarthphone. Met Kahoot! kun je quizzen maken en spelen, discussievragen stellen en onderzoeken doen met behulp van allerlei devices. De slagzin op de website van Kahoot! is: ‘Great learning starts by asking great questions’.
De uitdrukking ‘they’re in cahoots’ betekent dat je met elkaar in verbinding staat, dat je een onderlinge relatie hebt. Door als docent quizzen af te nemen, discussie- en onderzoeksvragen te stellen maak je kahoots. Volgens de website is een kahoot een verzameling van vragen over een specifiek onderwerp. Here the Link:

Socrative empowers you to engage and assess your students as learning happens. Through the use of real-time questioning, result aggregation, and visualization, you have instant insight into levels of understanding so you can use class time to better collaborate and grow as a community of learners.
Here the Link:

Simplifying a Teacher's Life

101 Free Tech Tools for Teachers


In order to complete our 2nd module: Building 21st Century Skills and Content Mastery we got the task to present a PowerPoint presentation of our chosen project.

We have chosen for an Educational issue dropouts, because in Suriname we have a highly percentage of Dropouts. Our focus point is the Secondary on the junior level (VOJ).


The Wind Power CAR


ICT Resources for Classroom

2. Een ReisgGids betreffende digitaalleermateriaal

3. CloudStorage: 
4. Tools for Managing Yourself
This tool can help you organize your personal to-do lists, collaborate on large team projects, take notes, write research papers, keep a journal, and much more. This is a great tool for students to use in their classrooms. They can for instance use it to organize the assignments and tasks they need to finish. 

b. Tasskr (Links to an external site.)
Tasskr is a simple task manager that teachers and students can use to create projects and tasks in a matter of seconds. It is very easy and has a user friendly interface. You can use it without even signing up but this is not a good idea if you are planning to save your projects. You better register there and be able to control and track your tasks and projects.

c.Trello (Links to an external site.)
Trello's simple, intuitive interface makes task management effortless. Using boards and cards, you have complete flexibility with how you want to get organized.
d.Thought Boxes (Links to an external site.)
Thought Boxes makes it easy for you to get organized, complete your tasks, and collaborate. It is all web based and all your lists are on one page.

e.42 Tasks (Links to an external site.)
42 Tasks is a free app that you can use to manage your tasks from anywhere with an internet connection. It lets you create, manage, and share your projects and tasks and collaborate in a group.

f.Todoist (Links to an external site.)
Todoist is a great personal task manager that is very easy to use and has a user friendly interface. It requires a sign up and it is free of charge.

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